With Australians now sharing their financial data, new opportunities are opening for both small and large businesses.

Consumer awareness and confidence about the benefits of data sharing is growing, as greater competition in the financial services market improves customer experiences.

For businesses to access this new wealth of data, certain regulatory requirements must be met.

Our quick guide to open banking features an easy-to-follow flowchart which details exactly what steps you need to take to achieve CDR compliance, depending on the objectives you want to achieve.

A guide to open banking

illion Open Data Solutions has led Australian and New Zealand markets through many rounds of innovation and changes to regulation.

We continue to work tirelessly to be at the forefront of data aggregation and provide market-leading solutions.

Whatever your current understanding, progress, or accreditation aspirations, we are here to help. The future of data sharing is bright and we look forward to continuing working with you.

Want to learn more?

Fill in this form to talk to our friendly team today.

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